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Hermitage of the Immaculate Conception, Santa Maria Church, in Alcoutim


Over 3,000 walkers are expected to enjoy the Portuguese countryside as part of the newly revived Algarve Walking Season project.

Large villa on a hill overlooking a fairway


The latest property price analyses are in, and the Algarve continues to be one of the most expensive regions in Portugal for real estate. Overseas buyers still spend more.

Wine glasses with white, rosé and red wine in a vineyard


The Enóphilo Wine Fest arrives in the Algarve on March 2 and features 250 wines.

Aerial view of property and pool in Monchique


The lack of rainfall in the Algarve is getting more serious than ever. What does this water scarcity mean for visitors and homeowners?

Lit villa with pool at dusk


A downturn in home sales and slowing growth of house prices started to be felt in 2023 and should continue into 2024.