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Covered terrace with decking and pool at sunset


More houses, more opportunities and more property diversification were the key takeaways of the latest Portugal Living Destination study.

Empty beach close to Alvor Algarve


The Algarve has been named Europe's Leading Beach destination in the World Travel Awards for the 10th time.

CGI of living room with floor to ceiling glass looking out to pool and sea


Portugal's Non-Habitual Resident programme is to come to an end, according to government plans.

Cobbled alley with bright Algarvean houses


August saw a new record for Portuguese bank appraisals, reaching €1,538 per square metre. The Algarve continues to register the highest valuations.

Villa with pool and sunken covered dining area


There's no risk of a property bubble in Portugal, says Portuguese economist, who highlights that it is “one of the best real estate markets”.