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EU is expecting Eurozone's GDP growth to slow down, but the Portuguese economic performance will go against the tide. Between 2018 and 2020, our GDP growth will surpass EA19's growth rate.

The legislative decree which sets the framework for Real Estate Investment Trusts to start investing in Portugal comes into force on February 1.

The price of property in Portugal continues to rise however, experts predict that the value of resale properties is set to fall as new building projects begin to come on to the market.

More than one thousand sporting events have been scheduled this year, the start of which was celebrated on January 18 at the Portimão Arena by over 4,000 people, as Portimão is a 2019 European City of Sport.

Bank valuations of properties in Portugal now stand at €1,192 per square metre across the country with figures from the end of December 2018 showing that average valuations hit a new record of €1,220, the highest value registered since 2008.