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Local housing, called Alojamento Local (AL) in Portugal, generated a €980 million turnover in the Algarve in 12 months, according to the latest data released by the Portuguese Hotel and Catering Association (AHRESP).

In the third quarter, only four EU economies grew less than the Portuguese, but two of the most important are among them: Germany and Italy. Portugal tied at 17th with four others.

Those thinking of buying a house in the Algarve would do well to invest now, as Moody’s confirms in a new report. According to the credit rating agency, property prices in Portugal are expected to rise by at least 4% next year.

According to a report by Oxford Economics commissioned by Google, the digitalisation of the Portuguese tourism industry could generate 50,000 additional jobs in the coming years.

For the third consecutive year, Portugal has been named the World’s Leading Destination at the World Travel Awards (WTA), which took place in Muscat, Oman last week.