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The number of visitors choosing to come to Portugal each year continues to increase and whilst British tourists continue to lead the way, other nationalities are also waking up to the allure of the country as a great destination for holidays and for second homes.

According to a report by ECO News, the British remain at the top of the most visitors to Portugal. This is followed by the Germans and the French, which is not surprising as Portuguese visitors continue to choose France and Germany as a top destination themselves, although Spain remains the most popular choice for Portuguese travellers.

Figures from Eurostat reveal that 14% of the total number of tourists coming to Portugal are from the United Kingdom, with each of these tourists spending on average €75 each night and staying for an average of nine nights each.

After the British, it is the Germans who are in second place with 9.3%.  German tourists spend more than the British with an average of €104 per night and stay on average 10 nights in the country.

Coming in third place are the French with 7.2% of total tourists.  The French stay on average for nine nights and spend on average €103 per day.

When it comes to where Portuguese residents are taking a break, Spain is the top choice with almost 5% of Portuguese tourists choosing to cross the border and spending an average of €69 per day over their average of five nights.

The Spanish when they come to Portugal also choose to stay on average for five nights but tend to spend more than their neighbours with an average daily spend of €99 per day.

Portuguese travelling to the United Kingdom for a holiday stay on average seven nights and spend an average of only €59 per day whilst in the country.